07.10.2015, Words by Natalie /

Premiere: Benedict Drew - Dreamspace Of The Burger King Commuter (excerpt two)

KCS001 is the first Chrome Series release on patten's Kaleidoscope imprint from Kent-based artist and musician Benedict Drew, which blazes the dangers of bad juju from fast food via Dreamspace Of The Burger King Commuter.

Working across video, sculpture, music and installation, Drew has cultivated a truly indefinable space, highlighted by his pulsating and psychotropic animation in the murky depths of Dreamspace Of The Burger King Commuter. Using his intense cross-media environments, Drew takes you back to the halcyon days of wearing bumbags and eating Veggie Deluxe's at McDonalds, when Mad Cow Disease was at its peak. Whoa, hold up, brand loytalty. Drew prefers a BK.  That's right, when he's not making videos, music or spending time on horrifically stifling trains between London and Kent, Drew spends his time in castles made of Primark clothes, enamoured by KFC Boneless Banquets and Triple Whopper Meals. "Caffeine free, sugar free Coca Cola please, I'm watching my waistline."

As a person who has on average spent 25% of my waking life commuting, Drew's concept hit me hard, sort of like a 4am phonecall in an American movie. People take their shoes off, put their feet up, eat packed lunches and burp, eat Burger King and burp, slopping genetically modified and wilting lettuce leaves on the chin for their wives to wipe off later. I've seen these slobbering men on the last train from Manchester to Todmorden and I've seen these same slobbering men on the last train from Shoreditch to Forest Hill too. They're everywhere. Bloated men with expensive cufflinks, reeking of vodka, chowing down on a rubbery patty with special sauce, looking like a dog eating hot chips. It's not a matter of class or bank balances, it's a matter of – in Benedict's words -'bad juju from fast food." Some people exude an air of panache whilst eating a piece of meat in two slices of bread and some people just don't.

Read more from Benedict below and vow to never eat your bodyweight in fat and sugar again. Over and out, fast food nation.

Tell us a little more about the track and excerpt two – if you had to review it, what would you say? 
Benedict Drew: "The track is an excerpt, so really the whole cassette was made as one continues piece. Dreamscape of the Burger King Commuter is music born out of hours and hours of time spent on trains between London and the Kent coast. This weird sticky public space is transformed by its users into an extension of both the home and the office through repetition – the train home specifically. A hypnopompic half drunk sweating processed meat middle management man opposite me  – snoring – inches away from a man in dreamstate. Bad juju from fast food. Intimacy with strangers. The heat of bodies. This piece charts the drift into the subconscious of the Burger King commuter, where his desires and terror oscillate."

Who is the BK commuter? I'm curious on what the Burger King Commuter looks like – is he a banking/fiscal type?
Benedict Drew: "Looks like me, or you, or that man sitting opposite me in a smart but slightly chaffing pink shirt…snoring."

I've had a few burgers at BK, but they always leave me feeling a bit sick. I would also never trust their chicken offerings. Do you eat Burger King meals, or do you condemn it?
Benedict Drew: "I tend to eat a lot Burger King and KFC whilst lying half suffocated under a mountain of Primark clothes. For afters, I ingest two bags of Haribo Tangfantastics and a three litre bottle of Coca-Cola. I find this combination has a  powerful psychotropic effect…strictly research."

Are the visuals for excerpt two somebody's eyes after they ate a Burger King? That was kinda my first impression.
Benedict Drew: "Something like that…"

Did you have a dream last night? 
Benedict Drew: "I dreamt that all the high streets across the land looked identical, and that humans couldn’t get there shit together to stop the impending ecological disaster caused by driving cars and shit, and the Prime Minister fucked a pig…."

Any famous last words?
Benedict Drew: "Triple Whopper meal."

Dreamspace of the Burger King Commuter is available now on Kaleidoscope (buy). 

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