hidingthehurt teases his new EP with angsty hyperpop number 'All We Are'
It didn’t take UK hyperpop trailblazer hidingthehurt long to return to action after sharing his ‘From Fieldfare With Love’ EP back in April. Following the release of his poetic anti-pop anthem ‘Heaven Sent’ towards the beginning of summer, the 20-year-old continues the rollout for his next project with ‘All We Are’.
Combining fast melodies and explosive guitar lines to create arguably his most harsh sounding track yet, the new offering continues to hone hidingthehurt’s unique sound, venturing further into the realms of commercial pop than his previous releases while simultaneously maintaining the experimental production that sets him apart.
“All We Are is an important song for me and one that carries a message I haven’t previously put across,” hidingthehurt says. “With my last EP I covered how I felt starting out in music and leaving a relationship while growing up and commencing university. Now that I’m more mature and I’ve seen substantial progress in my music, I realised that I still have problems. They are just different.
“I thought that money and attention would change that but even all these streams later I haven’t found those things enticing or fulfilling, they’re abstract. The things in my life like relationships and family are real and important. The money, the music, the attention, the streams etc are not. I think this piece is me purporting that message and coming to terms with it.”
hidingthehurt is aiming to release his forthcoming EP before the end of the year and hopes it will “cement my place as a pioneer of underground experimental pop music – maybe not even underground – the objective is the mainstream and I think it’s only a matter of time before they listen.”
Stream ‘All We Are’ below or listen with your preferred player here.
‘All We Are’ by hidingthehurt is out now via DMY.
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Read next: emo pop artist hidingthehurt is breaking out of the self-destructive cycle with ‘Tinted Glasses’