phonewifey puts out their poppiest tracks to date with ‘OOPS/OUCH'
Previously championed by Spotify’s hyperpop playlist, phonewifey sits in that genre-less space of music, drawing on rave, pop and EDM. Following ‘want u’ and ‘that was low’, they’ve just shared ‘OOPS/OUCH’, a double single which sounds like the poppiest pieces of music they’ve ever put out.
“These tracks were actually written around March of 2020, right as the COVID lockdowns were coming into effect in the UK,” phonewifey explains. “They kind of represent the last few weeks of frenetic activity before the long sustained period of social distancing kicked in.”
“Kakoushka and I recorded ‘OOPS’ on the day we went to see Caroline Polachek play at Heaven (who forewarned that it might be the last gig we’d all be at for a long time). On a side note: that night after the show ERSATZ, CY AN and I breathlessly ran around London filming an extremely frantic music video, which looking back really demonstrates the drive to do as much as possible before we were locked down.
“‘OUCH’ is also a product of that moment in time; it tells the more bittersweet story of euphorically connecting with someone only for circumstances to pull the rug out from underneath. I think I was trying to capture the feeling of when a dizzying high comes crashing back down to reality.”
phonewifey plays one of our upcoming DMY Live showcases at The Waiting Room on July 7th this year – find tickets here.
Hit play on ‘OOPS/OUCH’ below or listen to it via your preferred player here.