Gem Arts
03.07.2023, Words by Billy Ward, Photos by Anna Miller

63% of young musicians are using AI in their creative process, study claims

"Our research shows that AI Is levelling the playing field, which will ensure a more diverse pipeline of talent entering the music industries"

Young creatives are overwhelmingly embracing AI in songwriting, according to new research.  

Youth Music, the UK’s leading young people’s music charity, reveals that two-thirds of young people (63%) are embracing AI to assist in their creativity, including music making.

As conversations increase around the impact of AI in the music industry from established artists and industry executives, Youth Music has taken it upon themselves to highlight the perspective of young people. 

The current narrative around AI's usage in music has focused on huge names such as Drake, Grimes and Oasis, however, the young musicians who are most likely to be using the technology have yet to be heard.

Matt Griffiths, CEO of Youth Music, said: “Whilst the emergence of AI is revolutionising popular culture, established artists and executives have rightly expressed concerns regarding Its long-term impact on the music industries. There are still important questions to be addressed around the monetising of AI and the ownership of content, for example.

"However, what we're hearing right now from the next generation of creatives Is excitement around its potential to equalise access to making, learning and earning in music. Especially those who don’t have the advantage of expensive music education or equipment to aid their learning process, or paid support to run their business. The fact that two thirds (63%) of young people see AI as a useful tool in their creative arsenal, reinforces this idea that there is a future for AI in the creative sphere.

"From their perspective, our research shows that AI Is levelling the playing field, which will ensure a more diverse pipeline of talent entering the music industries."

Find out more information about the study and its findings here

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