01.07.2011, Words by Charlie Jones

A James Blake stream and a Zomby interview exist

Two important pieces worth checking out – Self-Titled's iChat marathon with Zomby and Pitchfork's stream of James Blake's new single.

There are two great things on the internet. Well, there are a lot more than two but of special interest to fans of our kind of music is Self-Titled’s interview with Zomby and Pichfork’s stream of the new James Blake.

Self-Titled interviewed an articulate if batty Zomby over iChat for three hours, and the results are over here.

Second is James Blake’s new single for Hemlock, available at Pitchfork, and has been widely hailed as a move away from “blumstep” to his harsher, more radical roots.

4AD will release Zomby’s album ‘Dedication’ on the 11th July, Hemlock will release James Blake’s single Order / Pan on the same day

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