
02.05.2014, Words by dummymag
Laura Groves - Friday (demo)
Lovely little home recording from the Deek artist, bound to crack a smile or two at the end of the week.
It's Friday! While another incoming Bank Holiday weekend might normally have you reaching for a jam that's a little more pumped, here's the dulcet tones of Deek arist Laura Groves singing an appropriately titled song to ease you in more gently. It's a demo recorded at home, but don't let that put you off: accompanied by piano and her own overdubbed backing vocals, it may be sparser than much of her 'Thinking About Thinking' EP from last Autumn, it's just as dreamy and affecting.
You can catch Laura Groves at the Old St Pancras Church on July 30th, which should be an ideal setting for her live show, so don't sleep.
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