Oneohtrix Point Never
20.09.2013, Words by dummymag

Nine Inch Nails - Find My Way (Oneohtrix Point Never remix)

OPN turns in an unpredictable, jarring rework of Trent Reznor's latest.

Daniel Lopatin aka Oneohtrix Point Never doesn't often do remixes, probably due to how different remixing is compared to the usual nature of his workflow, so any new remix from him will always pique our interest. In this case, Nine Inch Nails have enlisted him to remix Find My Way, taken from their recent comeback album 'Hesitation Marks'.

It's a pretty unpredictable rework, full of cascading arpeggios and droning organs, building up before dropping off. Trent Reznor's vocal left entirely intact over the sounds, which sounds quite jarring on top of Lopatin's instrumental.

Lopatin is gearing up to release his new album as Oneohtrix Point Never, 'R Plus Seven' – so far he's shared tracks Still LifeProblem Areas and Zebra from it. Back in June, we put together a chronology of his more obscure cuts and different aliases over the years.

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