02.08.2011, Words by Charlie Jones

Why Google+ could change everything about music (marketing)

The newest social network is full of opportunities for music-sharing in a much more targeted fashion than we see on other social media sites.

Clyde Smith over at Hypebot has written an interesting piece on how Google+ could completely shake up online music marketing. Even though bands aren’t allowed to set up profiles (yet), the way the site works could mean that music-sharing is about to become a whole new life form.

The unique features that come with Google+ mean unique ways of experiencing music – Circles , Hangouts and Huddles are all words for mini-networks that Google+ users can create, with varying levels of exclusivity. Circles allow you to chop your “friends” into groups depending on how you know them, or what they might be interested in, whilst Hangouts allow live group video chats and Huddles send private message to select groups of people.

It’s this ability to pick and choose audience which will make Google+ fundamentally different to other forms of music marketing. More intimate and targeted than even Facebook or Twitter, these features mean that instead of blindly posting music out into the ether as you do on other sites, you can specifically aim it at people who you think will enjoy it. Hangouts, too, will mean miniature “concerts”, creating live and interactive ways to listen to new music, without ever leaving your house.

You can go here to learn more about Google Plus and set up an individual account.

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